It’s time to tell you about Joseph (PBUH) and his story. Like Abraham’s story, this one starts with the dream. After the dream, little Joseph went to his father Jacob (PBUH), telling him that he had seen the Sun, Moon and stars kneeling in front of him.
Jacob, in his wisdom, realised the meaning of the dream and told the little Joseph to keep quiet about this as it might enrage his step-brothers. Joseph’s brothers were envious of the affection their father bestowed on him and plotted to kill him, by throwing him into a very deep well and leaving him to die or be enslaved.
However, little Joseph was resourceful. Unafraid in the well, he tried to escape, and when a caravan went past and let down a bucket to fill with water, he climbed into the bucket and they took him with them. He was sold to the house of a very important Egyptian and he showed strength and wit by thriving in the household.
As a teenager, he grew up very handsome and the first lady of the house fell in love with his beauty. One day when she knew they would be alone, the lady of the house locked all the doors, trapping Joseph in. Joseph showed again the strength of his character and his faith, while acknowledging the respect he owed the master of the house by avoiding her. Scorned, she tried to attack him and caught his shirt from behind, while he was trying to escape her clutches.
At that very moment, the door was unlocked and a big crowd entered the hall. It was the master of the house and his escort. Everybody was shocked at the scene unfolding before them. The woman assessed the situation very quickly and started screaming: “Joseph tried to take advantage of me!” Joseph, in return, kept his cool and said he was innocent and that the lady of the house was the one attacking him.
Hearing the contradictory tales of his wife and the teenage boy whom he thought of as his son, the master of the house was bewildered. He didn’t know who to believe, until it was revealed to him that if Joseph’s shirt was torn at the front, his wife was telling the truth. However, if the shirt was torn at the back, it means the wife was a liar. The master checked Joseph’s shirt that was indeed torn at the back. Joseph had proved his steadfastness of character and the respect and love he had for his master by not betraying him.
Joseph had to withstand many trials as a child and teenager, including a stay in prison, but he made up for these years by becoming a great dignitary in Egypt later on in life and ruling fairly.
To be continued...
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