Thursday, 29 December 2011

Inspiring Children – Jesus and Mary

So near to the day when our Christian brothers celebrated the birth of Jesus (PBUH), I feel it is time to talk about his inspiring actions and those of His mother, Mary (PBUH).

The story we all know is how young Mary got pregnant and felt ashamed at how she would face her community, as she was a virgin. She was only an inexperienced young girl, but already felt the burden of the community’s responsibilities on her shoulders.

However, she gave birth to baby Jesus in harsh conditions and managed to prove that her mission was not an ordinary mission. Jesus Himself (PBUH) showed from a very young age that He would become a great man, because He is the Word of God and the truth was conveyed to Him by God to guide humanity.

Both Jesus and Mary have shown strength when they were very young and have inspired generations to come with their wisdom, community leadership and goodness of heart.

To be continued...

1 comment:

  1. JAzaka'Allah for this! When is the next post coming?
