Tuesday, 22 May 2012

And they called her Dignity...

Dignity is the result of credibility. Credibility is the outcome of authority. Authority is a God given right to human beings to look after humanity. When we look at our father and mother and their creation, we find that this cycle of abuse needs to end.

We, as men and women, come from our mother Eve. The dignity of woman is equal to the dignity of man and the authority of woman should be equal to the authority of man. In my view, authority means taking responsibility for our communities.

If a man abuses his authority because a woman can be physically weaker, that man is abusing a whole community. The issue of abuse, rape and sexual harassment is as old as the age of humanity. Why does the civilised world of the 21st century turn a blind eye, keep a deaf ear and turn its back on the victims of such a degrading act?

I cannot believe what I read recently on twitter:

The phrase “national sport” upsets me especially.  Is my mother, my wife, my daughter, my auntie a ball, a net or a stick people toy with?

Our world has a big issue to address through fairness and justice. Do we just turn our back to the victims, whether they are African, Asian, Latino, White, Aboriginal etc.?

We need to come back to the basics of life and remember that humanity cannot function with one hand, cannot be driven on one wheel, cannot see through one eye, heard through one ear or built by one individual. Humanity has to be built by two partners that God created from one another through dignity, respect, honour and equality. If we lose one, we lose humanity.

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