Wednesday, 25 July 2012


ماينامار بورما هى أقبح جريمه فى وجه الإنسانيه.

تغذيب , تطهير عرقى , إغتصاب جماعى منظم لطرد الأقليه من مسلمى الروهنجا.

تمنياتى الحاره بشهر رمضان وإقامة وتحقيق مبادئ الحريه والعداله والمساواه.

تمنياتى بالنجاح لمؤسسات الأمم المتحده, منظمة التعاون الإسلامى, رابطة العالم الإسلامى, مجموعة آسيان, ومؤسسات حقوق الإنسان والجمعيات الخيريه , كل مسلم ومسلمه وكل إنسان ومسئول.

Burma (Maynmar) is an ugly scar and a crime against humanity.

Torture, forced and organised group rape, massacre and forced migration to Rohingya muslim minority.

Happy Ramadan, freedom, justice and equality to humanity.

All the best to UN, OIC, ASIAN, World Muslim League, Human Right movement, charity organisations, every muslim and human being, leaders as well as others

Friday, 20 July 2012

Welcome, welcome to Ramadan!

We thank Allah who let us see the beginning of Ramadan and we hope that He will let us observe the ending of Ramadan. We hope that He will make this month for us a month of working hard and increasing our productivity, as well as worshipping Him.

Oh, Allah, guide the misguided amongst us and those whom we think our enemies. Give them an abundance of your givings!

We need to know that this month is not a month of watching drama on TV, or eating plenty of food or attending iftar parties. This is a month of mercy, obedience, good manners and faithful relationships with one another.

Ramadan may be the generous guest visiting us, but please remember and love the Most Generous who sent Him to us and follow the footsteps of His messengers. Thank Him for the bounty of His giving and love your neighbours. Help the needy and save your souls by praying to the Prophet who has given us the best of guidance, Mohammed, son of Abdullah (PBUH).

Oh, Allah, make me amongst those under the shade of this prayer.  Jumma Mubaraka to you and I love you all!

Monday, 16 July 2012

Work in progress...

I have been absent for quite a while due to health problems but insh'Allah I will be able to post new blogs soon for you to read.

Meanwhile, I leave you with my thought of the day:

نداء الفجر.

أنا لاأخشى على نفسى من ذنوبى , لأن رحمتك سبقت عذابك , وأنت أرحم الراحمين. فاغفرلى.
Dawn prayer

I am not afraid of my sins because your mercy is always ahead of your punishment, and you are the most merciful. Please forgive me

Friday, 13 July 2012

العمل الخيرى.Charity work

جمعه مباركه.Wishing you Jumma Mubaraka.

العمل الخيرى.Charity work.

جاهل وكاذب من قال أن العمل الخيرى (أو جمعيته الخيريه) ليس له مصاريف إداريه , ومصاريف جمعيته الإداريه 0% .

الجنه هى المكان الوحيد الذى لا يوجد فيه مصاريف إداريه لتغير طبيعة ساكنيها , فلا تعب ولا نصب ولا صخب ولا دمار ولا بناء ولا تنميه . إنما جزاء ونعيم ومتعة وهناء مكفولين برضى صاحبها الذى لاتأخذه سنة ولا نوم.

كفوا عن خداع المانحين بإسم الدين , لا يوجد شئ فى الدنيا ليس له مصاريف إداريه , ولا تتبعوا آراء الفقه الضيق الأفق والغريب والمستورد المقسم للمجتمعات!

لاتتجروا بالدين من أجل حفنة دولارات توارون بها عجزكم على الإجتهاد والإبداع المجتمعى.

Charity work.

Ignorant or liers are those who claim that their charity organisation takes 0% admin cost.

Heaven is the only place that is having 0% admin cost because of The Creator and it's nature. In heaven there is no suffering, fatigue, struggle, destruction, development, construction.. etc. It's happiness, joy, comfort and ease as a reward from The Creator to it's residence.

Stop fooling donors using the banner of religion. There is nothing in life that has 0% admin cost. Do not follow the narrow minded strange imported divisive opinions of the the so called Imams!

Do not bargain our religion for an extra few dollars to cover up for your inability to start new innovative community initiatives.

Wishing you Jumma Mubaraka